

Staff Writer

Warrior is an action/drama film that made its debut in 2011. This film was not very popular as it ended up losing money. It cost about 25 million dollars to make and only ended up making about 23.2 million dollars. Although it didn’t make a profit, the film is very good. Warrior features Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton as the stars of the film (that’s right, this film has two protagonists!). Tom Hardy is widely known for his role as Eddie Brock in the Venom film. Warrior is full of compelling characters with driving plot lines that will leave you wondering what will happen next. Of course, the brutal MMA fights at the end of the film are also very entertaining, but the real gold of this film lies in the story. The film follows the story of Tommy and Brendan Conlon, who both end up fighting in the same tournament and have to fight each other to win the coveted prize. If you have not yet checked out this film, I highly recommend you do so as it is a great one.

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