Interviewing Students: Sawera Rashid 

Staff Writer

Sawera Rashid is a senior at El Diamante High School. 

If she had to pick, her funniest memory at EL D would probably be falling freshman year on the third day of school. Though it was four years ago, it’s something she looks back to and laughs about with friends. But Sawera’s best memory would have to be junior year prom and getting to spend quality time with her friends. Especially since the pandemic had caused her to only go to one dance before this, prom was a great experience and she’s looking forward to it this year as well. 

Sawera believes the best advice someone could give to underclassmen would be to remember that high school is only a step stool to your future so don’t take it too seriously. But at the same time, make sure to set yourself up for success. Also to not be afraid to be yourself and do what makes you happy. Don’t worry about other people or their opinions too much. 

She also recommends taking AP English Language and AP Government. AP Lang helped Sawera tremendously with her writing skills and she believes this class to be very important.

Ap Government would also have to be one of Sawera’s top classes that she recommends. 

Both of these classes allowed her to step out of her comfort zone and get more involved in her classes. 

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