A Storm In California Is Occurring and Around the US 


Staff Writer

Recently in California, there has been speculation of a wind and snowstorm, with the cold temperature at low elevations. There is the possibility that there may be snow in the hills of San Francisco and the desert around Los Angeles on Wednesday or Thursday. Around several feet of snow is expected in Southern California, causing possibly that the Grapevine might have around 4 inches of snow and may block the roads on Grapevine since there will be traffic disruptions. Even in Visalia on Tuesday, February 21st, there was very high wind around 40 mph and it increased later through the night. Even including in the Bay Area around 60 mph of wind with massive trees falling and power outages everywhere. In Northwest Fresno, there was a massive tree that struck Tuesday Afternoon injuring a man. There had been a lot of weather conditions that have caused difficulty for many people. In San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara there was a lot of wind making the powerlines destroyed and knocking out the power of around 140,000 homes and businesses. There is crazy weather in Minneapolis where there was an ice storm that stretched from Iowa to Michigan with icing and a threat of higher winds from Oklahoma to Missouri. There are floods in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio with around 5 million people under ice storms and blizzard warnings. 

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