Interviewing Students: Jazper Malone 

Staff Writer

Jazper Malone is a senior here at El Diamante High School. 

If he could give one piece of advice to underclassmen or incoming 8th graders, it would be to not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and ask for help when you need it. On this same topic, he also recommends people at El Diamante to take classes such as AP Lang and AP Chemistry. Ap English Language helped Jazper improve his writing immensely, and even helped when it came time to write his college essays. AP Chemistry to him was also an exciting and chill experience that allowed students to be involved in interesting labs such as making fireworks. Along with these AP classes, taking classes at COS such as statistics also helps students. 

He loves how close everyone is on and off campus as well as the campus culture. Though, Jazper does believe our school could work on its originality and creativity when it comes to events and other activities.

Out of all of his four years, his favorite memory at El Diamante would have to be winning second at the West Coast relays for track and field his sophomore year. 

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