Between the Lines – A Book Slump

By Josslyn Caskey

 Staff Writer

Book slumps. If you don’t know what a book slump is it’s a period where you lose interest in reading. No matter how hard you try the word won’t captivate you. Or for some, they just don’t have any interest in reading at all.  As a bookworm, I’ve experienced book slumps lots of times. Like how writers get writer’s block readers can get the same thing.

So if you find yourself stuck in a slump here are some tips that I use to help pull me out of a bad reading slump. 

  1. Revisit your favorite book, when you reread a book you already know and love it can be an easy read to ease back into reading.
  2. Take your time reading, even if you have to reread the same page a few times to grasp the story take it slow and transition back into reading again. 
  3. Change your reading environment. Sometimes you just need a change in scenery. I love sitting outside to read or try a coffee shop. Try a new reading spot and get comfy. 
  4. Set the mood. Create an environment that motivates you to read. For me that means lighting a candle, turning the fun lights on in my room, grabbing my favorite blanket, and queuing up my favorite reading playlist.  Creating an environment where you can relax in and let your mind wander is key to a good reading space. 
  5. And lastly, it’s ok to take a break from reading. If life is busy and you can’t rest your mind and find other ways to relax, reading shouldn’t have to feel like a chore it’s an experience. 

These are just a few of the things I do to help me push through a reading slump.

 Happy Reading. <3 

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