Superflat Album Review

Staff Writer

On April 5th, 2017, experimental folk band C’est la key released their first mixtape titled “Superflat” and this album is weird. C’est la key is also known for his other alias under the name “Coin Locker Kid” and has released multiple projects underneath this name. Superflat is mainly an experimental dialogue album with most of the tracks just talking in it that involves the plot of the main character. 

  Superflat is about our main character in the project `Devyn Smith ” who continues to struggle as a music artist and thinks that everything that he makes is not good or not up to the standards that he wants it to be. He goes on throughout this record to show tracks that he had scrapped in his Coin Locker alias but also tracks that he has made in the storyline of the album. He continues to show his friends these songs even though they don’t believe that they’re good but they pretend that the tracks that Devyn shows off are actually decent which makes him upset. Superflat is a very weird but emotionally appealing record with C’est le kay or “Coin Locker Kid” having the best voice that I have ever heard. This album is very abstract and hard to understand but I love it for that exact reason alone. This record is phenomenal in every way and the whole story behind it and the dialogue that keeps you interested throughout the entire album is just amazing. 

   Some standout tracks from this album are “Who’s a shade of Virginia Woolf, Wake in Fright, The window part 2, American Spirit, Blindness demo” but every track is amazing and very hard to rank since they are 90% of the time mainly dialogue to follow the story. Overall I would give Superflat by C’est la key a perfect 10/10 and this album is one of the best records I have ever heard.

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