Month: February 2023

Ed Wood

By: JORDAN RUBIO Staff Writer Ed Wood is a biopic film that made its debut in 1994. For those of you who don’t know what a biopic is, it’s a[Read More…]

Interview Prep

BY: ELIZABETH HERNANDEZ Staff Writer  Tips to get the job:  -Always research the company  -Be prepared to talk about yourself  -When asked to talk about yourself always mention how certain[Read More…]

Lent & Ash Wednesday

By: HAYLEE SAESEE Staff Writer Lent is 40 days of reflection, fasting, and spiritual discipline observed by many Christians and Catholics in preparation for Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday,[Read More…]


By JADYN RIVAS Staff Writer Birthdays, some people love their birthdays, love the center of attention, and others prefer to ignore the whole thing altogether because they either hate getting[Read More…]