Month: February 2023


By JACKELIN GOMEZ Staff Writer  Every day when I wake up one of the first things I do is play music. I’m always listening to music, whether it’s in the[Read More…]

The Revival

By: ELISABETH BECK Staff Writer On February 8, 2023 college students gathered to hear a sermon. It hasn’t ended since. This is entirely student-led. People have come and gone, worshiping[Read More…]

Who is Duster?

By: CESAR ESTRADA  Staff Writer  Do you know the band Duster, if not then maybe you can learn about them? Clay Parton, Canaan Dove Amber, and Jason Albertini formed the[Read More…]

Spring is Better

By: MORGAN PHILLIPE Staff Writer I cannot wait for it to be Spring. There are always so many things to look forward to. For starters, there’s Spring break and the[Read More…]


By: JESSICA RHOADES Staff Writer  Ratatouille, most famous from the 2007 Pixar film, is a bright, colorful vegetable-based stew from the shores of Eastern France. Filled with olive oil, herbs,[Read More…]