Month: February 2023

Who is Rosa Parks?

By JENNALYNN SAESEE Staff Writer In honor of Black History Month, I’d like to inform you of who Rosa Parks was. Rosa Parks was an African American woman who lived[Read More…]


By JADYN RIVAS Staff Writer Valentines, it is a holiday revolving around relationships and happiness, love, and cheesy romantic gestures. It’s about showing the people you love or even just[Read More…]

Ford v Ferrari 

By: JORDAN RUBIO Staff Writer Ford v Ferrari is a sports/drama film that made its debut in 2019. This film wasn’t widely popular but it wasn’t a bust either. It[Read More…]

President’s Day!

By ISABEL MENDOZA Staff Writer On Monday, the 20th of next week we have a no-school day! This is due to President’s day. President’s day is always on the third[Read More…]

Power of Change

By: LAUREN LANDIN Staff Writer Butterflies are nature’s tragic heroes They live most of their lives; being completely ordinary. And then one day, The unexpected happens. They burst from their[Read More…]

Power of Nonverbal Communication

By: LEENA KHAN Staff Writer Based on – Nonverbals are everything we use to communicate, just not words. Architecture, how people sit, and clothes are all nonverbal. We all[Read More…]