Typical Senior Sob Story


Staff Writer

With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, many seniors, including myself, are beginning to really feel the blues of finishing high school. Graduating used to seem like something so far away, and now that it’s nearly here, I don’t know how to make the time slow down. 

I’ve been especially feeling this way with my music programs; in both choir groups I’m in, we have finished performing music for festivals and are going straight into preparing for our final concerts of the year. Even with the great success of all of our choirs earning a superior rating at our last festival, I couldn’t help but feel a great wave of sadness wash over me. Knowing that this would be the last time I would perform in a choral festival overshadowed the excitement I felt about doing so well. In a few weeks, I’ll be having my last music festival with the orchestra too, which I have found bringing me more sorrow than joy. 

There is so much I feel that I’ve missed out on during my high school experience, and I don’t feel like I am ready to be done just yet. I feel unprepared, and the college letters that keep coming to my door don’t help.

To any seniors reading this and feeling very similar, you’re not alone. We are graduating together. We are moving on to the next chapter of life together, even if there’s some distance between us all. Remember these next few months to be patient and supportive, because we need to support one another now more than ever.

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