Martha’s Vineyard


Staff Writer

This upcoming Saturday, March 25th, DHHSC Fresno Headquarters will host an event called Martha’s Vineyard. DHHSC stands for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service Center. DHHSC opened in 1984 as the only non-profit organization to help deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals and their families. Over half of the staff at DHHSC are deaf and hard of hearing as well, making them reliable sources of support to the community.

Martha’s Vineyard is a deaf event that is meant to replicate the real island of Martha’s Vineyard taken in the 1800s. The island has been home to one of the largest deaf communities in the United States for over 200 years. Back in the 1800s, the islanders created their own sign language that everyone on the island would use, deaf and hearing alike. This sign language was simply known as Martha’s Vineyard Sign Language. That language has since been extinct and replaced by American Sign Language, but the amount of accessibility that Martha’s Vineyard offered has inspired other places to hold such grand events to mimic it as well. At the event hosted by DHHSC, there will be many activities based on the 1800s. Such activities include a fishing booth, candle making, a schoolhouse, and much more. The only catch is that no one is meant to talk while at Martha’s Vineyard, only signing! If you’re caught speaking, you’re sent to the jailhouse (for a short couple of minutes, of course).

If you have the opportunity to attend, I definitely recommend it. There is so much to learn at big deaf events such as this one, and a lot of fun to have too. For more information on this event, visit the DHHSC Fresno Headquarters website at this link:

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