What Is A Masquerade Ball?


Staff Writer 

The theme of this year’s 2023 prom is “Unmask The Night”- A Masquerade Ball. I’ve noticed that many people don’t actually know what a masquerade is. In simple terms, you dress up all fancy and wear masks. 

Masqueraded balls have been around since the late medieval ages. They’re most popular in European countries but originated with the Venetians in the 13th century. They would hold these parties and celebrations from December 26th to the start of Lent. They wore elaborate masks in order to hide their identities and become a new person. These were also some of the first types of parties to let upper and lower classes mingle. 

There were many different types of masks, but the most popular. Especially to women, was the Moretta mask. Invented in France, the Moretta mask was quickly adopted by Venetian women because of the way it accentuated their feminine features. The Moretta mask was actually first worn by women visiting convents and secured by clenching a button between their teeth. This ensured their vow of silence in the convent. Modern Moretta masks are much more comfortable and simply tie on. 

Another infamous mask that both the men and women wore was called the Bauta. This mask was more of a traditional full-face covering mask and was worn more in the carnival period of the Medieval Era. What made this mask so popular was the lack of a mouth opening. This allowed said mask wearers to eat more freely and openly without showing their faces. One of my personal favorites happens to be the Arlecchino mask. This mask has a variety of different colored squares and gold accents that seem to gently yet boldly flow along with it. 

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