Nashville Shooting

BY: Leena Khan

Staff Writer

Three children and three adults were killed at an elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee on Monday, March 27th. Beforehand, the shooter made a diagram of the school and ways to possibly enter, as well as legally purchasing seven firearms. This is especially concerning because no child in America is 100% safe and events like these are going to keep happening. It also reveals that this shooting was calculated and thought out. In addition, there were also writings about other potential locations. “Thoughts and prayers” only go so far, as this is the 19th school shooting in the past three months alone. This entire situation shows how easy it is to legally purchase guns and use them to intentionally harm other people, even children. School is supposed to be a place where children feel safe to learn and grow up, but how can anyone feel safe when mass shootings are happening faster than ever? The trauma that the children in these schools are experiencing is also not talked about enough. All children are in danger, and this is a cry for help. 

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