Month: March 2023

What is ASD?

By: MADISON GARCIA Staff Writer Autism Spectrum Disorder typically has an onset when a child enters preschool. It begins before the child reaches the age of 3. Some symptoms of[Read More…]

Foo Fighters

By: CESAR ESTRADA  Staff writer  Who are the Foo Fighters some question, are they a fighting group? They are not, the Foo Fighters are a musical group. They make some[Read More…]


By: ANONYMOUS Staff Writer Sometimes I feel so alone I wonder if anyone else knows How it feels to be inside my head I think about all the things I’ve[Read More…]

VUSD Partners With FPU

By: LEENA KHAN Staff Writer Every year high school students are ridden with anxiety about their futures and college. This added stress on top of rigorous courses and extracurriculars makes[Read More…]