Behind the Scenes: El Diamante Dance Show


Staff Writer

Before Spring break our El Diamante dance show was put on. There were two viewings, one on Thursday and one on Friday. Our very own dance teacher Mrs. Skadan put on and planned the entire thing. There were solos, duets, trios, and group dances from In Motion Dance as well as the other dance students. The solos, duets, and trios were able to choreograph and choose the music for their own dances. I think it is great that they are given creative freedom. This year’s soloists were seniors Peyton Fernandez and Danielle Giannandrea. Choreographer Isaac Saesee helped teacher Skadan to choreograph In Motion’s hip-hop number. The dance students began rehearsing and creating their dances around January. Lots of hard work, time, and dedication were put into this show. All of the costumes were gorgeous and all of the dancers looked beautiful. Not only did the dancers go out on stage in style, but so did Mrs. Skadan in her adorable outfits for both nights. I’m so proud of all of the students that put their energy toward this amazing dance show.


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