What Disney Says a Princess is


Staff Writer

Disney defines what is a princess, and how they get to decide what a princess is. This big corporate company is defining this and is a big part of how little girls begin to develop this as a part of their identities. The marketing strategy for The Disney Princess is targeted at girls as young as two years old. This all impacts young girls’ identities because identities are formed through interactions with others. Whether it is Disney or someone else, it is all having an influence on how identity is shaped.  The idea of a Disney princess is even described as a “marketing scheme” and as young girls dress in these princess dresses there is a sense of acceptance in the system. In addition, the “princess” culture could also be a symbol of social class. If a young girl is dressed fully in Disney Princess gear it can be a representation of a family with enough money to afford those clothes as well as the ability to purchase related entertainment such as movies, or vacationing at Disneyland/Disney World. Disney is 100% aware that its princess products sell.

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