Mental Health Awareness Month


Staff Writer

May is the month of Mental Health Awareness, and it is an ongoing effort to reduce the stigma around mental illnesses & mental health conditions by sharing personal experiences. 57.8 million people had these illnesses as of 2021, and the number continues to rise. Because of this, suicide rates have even boosted among teens and adults in the past decade. So, every day should be a reminder, especially during this month, we should be making others aware that it is okay to talk to someone about how they are feeling. Talking openly about mental health can encourage those who suffer in silence to reach out and seek help. It is good to realize the importance of these conditions and how they can affect daily life. Educating yourself and others on the signs and symptoms of mental illnesses is the smartest thing to do. Lastly, practice kindness and compassion towards others because you never know what they’re going through. 

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