Impaired Driving 

By: Brianna Alvarado

Staff Writer

Every day around 37 people in the United States die from drunk driving and about one person every 39 minutes. There are so many different consequences after drinking and driving that can happen. If you drive while you are impaired you may get arrested or worse you may also be involved in an accident that can cause major injuries or even death. According to statistics in 2021, there were 13,384 people killed in these types of preventable crashes which has increased by about 14% from 2020. The reason I’ve decided to write about this is because it’s sad how many people die because of how others drive. It’s also sad losing a family member or friend in an accident that could have been prevented if the impaired driver would have done the right thing. Impaired driving isn’t just after you’ve drunk alcohol but as well as smoking, legal or illegal drugs, sleepiness, and other distractions.  This is why we should always be careful whenever we get behind the wheel. Even though you may not be an impaired driver, another person on the road may be under the influence which puts you at risk. Always be careful when on the road and report any suspicious driver. We’ve lost too many people because of impaired driving. It’s time for people to actually stop and think before they act.

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