Seniors Try Balancing Stress, Fun of Senior Year

By Karla Serna

As school begins so does Senior stress. This fall the class of 2024 is preparing for all the exciting yet stressful senior events that are to come. While some students here on campus have a positive outlook on this school year, others not so much. 

The beginning of the year seems not to be so stressful yet but senior Kaitlyn Ramos said, “It’s going good; all my classes are good” when asked how senior year was going so far. However when asked what she was the most stressed about she said, ”Probably applications for college and AVID.”

Kaitlyn is not alone, when senior Jayda Espinoza was asked if she was the most stressed about this year she replied, “College definitely”.

Though some seniors might feel sad that their high school experience is almost over, others are actually glad, “I feel really good about senior year, definitely happy to be a senior,” Skyler Kestly stated when asked how she felt about senior year. 

Senior year doesn’t have to be only about stress it’s also a last opportunity to experience highschool to the fullest. Most seniors are looking forward to these exciting senior events , senior Emily Osher stated what she was the most excited about, ”I’m really excited for all the senior events we’re going to do like Grad Nite and Senior Sunset”.

Class of 2024 learning director Mr.Taylor shared his outlook for this school year, ”I worry that seniors will be too wrapped up in all the many things that they have going on with college applications and all that, that they don’t kind [of] enjoy the moment. I worry that they won’t take time to have fun because senior year is supposed to be fun.”

Some important upcoming senior events are Homecoming on September 29 where the El Diamante football team will play against Redwood. Senior pictures will also take place between the 11th and 15th of September at the El Diamante library Check your email to see when your appointment was scheduled. CSU and UC applications open up October 1st,  UC college applications as well as CSU are due by November 30th. Meanwhile FASFA’s applications start in December and are due by March.

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