First Month Census: Taking El D’s First Month Temperature

By Abby Carreon

Each year of high school is a new experience for everyone and whether you’re an incoming freshman or a graduating senior, memories and mistakes are sure to be made. What’s most important is how you feel and how you progress throughout your journey. Since it’s almost been a month of school being in session, several students here at El Diamante have already determined their view on school. Here are some responses.

Senior Bailey Collier, views high school as “a very useful tool” and believes “every student should take advantage of it”. I’m aware that not every student will follow the same path but every student will have at least one thing that’ll stick with them for the rest of their life. Every lesson, every friendship, every day, is a new chapter in your life and these experiences are “necessary for someone to be successful”. Even if it’s as simple as enjoying a class, you still found something worth remembering. 

On the topic of classes, Ryan Galleta, a junior, highlights the food production class as one of his “favorite classes”, while others seem to feel the opposite. Kiki Rogers (Junior) and Cesar Estrada (Senior), distinguish school as unconventional. Reports of air conditioning problems, recent weather, and monotonous teachers have caused students to become uninterested in going to classes as it’s “too hot” and “boring” to participate. The heat has certain effects on everyone, but for students, it’s simply just not the environment they want to learn in. Some students feel that teachers have become less interactive with their ways of teaching. According to some, students are no longer engaged in what they’re learning.  

Other students seem to really enjoy their classes, “I feel that teachers at El D have really stepped up their game in making the lessons they teach more engaging and it seems like some of the teachers are more enthusiastic and open-minded in their teaching, states Senior Landon Rains.

In my last  interview with Janae Salazar, a senior here at El Diamante, she mentioned, “Everyday is a new opportunity to learn, grow, and discover who you truly are as a person. The four years spent in high school give us time to reflect and adapt to others around us, preparing us for life after high school”. 

At first it can be stressful or even intimidating being around so many different people but that’s a perfectly normal feeling everyone has and you shouldn’t feel alone. Meeting new people, going to events, and participating in school activities can be beneficial for both you and your peers.  A number of seniors, like Jahayra Razo are “Excited it’s [their] last year” but she encourages everyone to, “Use your time here wisely because it goes by fast”.

With that being said, my best goes out to the class of 2024, and our fellow freshman, sophomores, and juniors. Support each other, succeed together.  

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