Getting to Know a “Golf Cart Guy”: Interview with Augie Gonzalez

By Sawyer Beck

Throughout the school day of an El D student, someone constantly watches over them with the eye of a Miner and the speed of a golf cart. Agustin Gonzales is a campus security guard who is one of the Miners who watches over the students on the El Diamante High School campus. We asked him some questions that everyone seems to want to know.

Campus Security is an important job and is a huge help on campus. They are basically the glue to the campus which helps it stay together due to how much they help not only the students, but the teachers and other adults on campus. So we interviewed one of the most recognizable campus security Agustin or otherwise known as Augie. He has worked as campus security for six years, but has been here at El Diamante since 2002, the opening year of this school. We wanted to ask an expert on what a day as campus security would be like. 

Augie Gonzalez on the Job-Photo taken by Sawyer Beck

When we asked Augie about his connection with the students he stated, ”Yes I do feel connected to the students very much since I coached here as a soccer coach and sometimes students even see me as their uncle.” 

He loves his job and helping students is a part of the enjoyment he gets from working. Even if it’s just a little conversation or words of advice, he helps the campus by keeping it safe but also happy. Augie even goes to games to cheer on the El D Miners. When asked about why he chose El Diamante, he told us that he knew the coaching staff and since his kids grew up around here and not Redwood, he chose El D as his second home.

The question we did have to ask though was  how many students get on Augie’s golf cart in one day of working, and his response is not what we expected. “Sawyer I’m not supposed to have nobody on my golf cart unless it’s an emergency. But I’ll be honest, I probably talk to 20 people on a daily basis.”

He says that the actual school day goes by fast, “Since the day has so much activity the day goes *snap snap snap* like that in a second.” claims Gonzalez.

We were able to learn the answers to questions we’ve all been wondering about. When asked about his favorite teacher, Gonzalez did not claim his son as his favorite, but Mr. Caffee instead! Augie is always good for a laugh.

We keep cheering for our security at El Diamante the same way they come to our aid when we need it.


  1. Chance Ybarra

    Wow! Great article Sawyer! Was fun to read and learn about Augie!

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