Barbie Movie Well-Received with its Positive Messages

By: Aliza Rodriguez

The Barbie movie has become a phenomenon as well as a box office smash. It represents the beauty of life, women’s independence, as well as the inclusion and acceptance of everyone. There is a place for everyone is its main message.

When we were younger everyone loved playing with barbies. This new Barbie movie has profound differences from the Barbie movies and dolls we grew up watching and playing with. The movie is a new perspective on Barbie, a positive perspective. Compared to the aging 2-D movies from our youth, this new movie is a vibrant, colorful ride with deep meanings instead of beautiful fantasies. A major majority of people loved it, but a smaller majority didn’t like it very much.

The end of the movie is unexpected. Barbie, who is played by Australian Actress Margot Robbie, goes her own way; she leaves where she grew up and she goes to the “real world”. She feels differently from the other barbies as if something is missing in her life; she decides she needs a change.

When asked “How do you think the movie represents womanhood?” Caleb Brown states, “It shows how strong they are and how much they’re needed [in society], but it also doesn’t stray away from equality of all genders”.

Caleb’s point was typical of how people feel and it indicates that the main idea of the movie was to express that women are often underestimated in regard to their independence.

Additionally, Karla Serna says “I think it is pretty accurate because I feel women are set in a certain standard and we feel the need to follow it but sometimes that’s just not how it is”. Karla points out that Barbie was made to show the life of a woman in Barbie World and the real world.

When asked How would you rate the movie?” Molly Ridenour stated “The Barbie was a perfect example of womanhood and growing up in the real world. I would genuinely give this movie a 10/10. It is a must-watch!”

This movie overall has changed the perspective on gender of many . Viewers have stated they have become more understanding of one another, changing the dynamic of our world one step at a time. The way womanhood is portrayed in this movie shows that women can be independent and not rely upon men, and men are “Kenough.” We are all capable of great things. We just have to find it within ourselves.

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