Girls Golf Awaits a Successful Season

By: Bella Villarreal

El Diamanté Coach Guzman expects a lot out of the team this season. He says that he hopes to qualify for area, continue to improve individually and as a team, and lastly, develop the culture they continue to build on each year. 

Culture is a big part of this team. Four-year varsity player Callie Watson exclaims that she “loves the community and friends” that golf has brought her. Watson started golf her freshman year just as something to do, and she has expressed how sad she is that this is her final year. She thinks that they will do well this year and hopefully fulfill their coaches’ wishes and “goals to go to the area.”

Some of the top schools that will pose a challenge to the El Diamanté golf team are Golden West and Redwood. Coach Guzman stated that the biggest opponent they will face in the EYL season will be Redwood. He says, “They have consistently been one of the top teams in our league and won the EYL title last year.”

The match against Redwood will be tough, but Sophia Saesee enters her second year playing El Diamanté golf and believes that this season looks promising. She happily said that she can’t wait to see how this year goes.

The top three performers that will hopefully carry the team to defeat their number one opponent, Redwood, are Makayla Fosberg (senior captain), Audrey Barber (sophomore varsity returner), and Abby Tsang (2022 MVP). Coach Guzman has high expectations for these three girls because he knows their abilities and skills.

Makayla Fosberg is a dedicated and massive part of this team. She is a beast on and off the green. Coach Guzman explains that “she is a great teammate and continues to take positive steps forward in her golf career.” He says that “she is a great role model for our younger players and is always willing to try new things that our coaches bring to her.” Big things are expected of Fosberg, but there’s no doubt she will come through.

Audrey Barber is a key individual on the El Diamanté Girls’ golf team. This is her second year playing, and she is exceeding all the coaches and staff’s expectations. Her attitude and work ethic are some of the key characteristics that make her stand out. “She is always one of the first to show up to practice, asking what we are starting with, and will consistently be the last golfer to leave the practice range. She is always asking for ways to improve in different areas of her golf game and will not stop working on something until she gets it right,” says Guzman. The sky’s the limit for this outstanding young golfer. 

Lastly, Abby Tsang who was last year’s MVP and has played golf for the past 3 years, will be a massive aspect of the game against Redwood. Tsang is a consistent player and someone the team and coaches can always count on. Coach Guzman states, “She has shown her commitment to her team by rarely missing practices and workouts and is very coachable. She plays smart golf on the course and does not seem to let anything distract her when we have a match or tournament.” The coaches anticipate that this year will be even better for Tsang and can’t wait to see what’s in store for her. 

This year is looking bright for the team. Qualifying for Area is on the horizon for the El Diamante Girls’ golf team.

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