Women’s Empowerment Club Empowers the Whole Campus

By: Ayla Romero

With over 40 clubs to offer, El Diamante’s Women’s Empowerment Club stands out as one to empower, support, and inspire students on campus. Through club meetings, it is a place that brings light to mental health, equal rights, education, and careers.

Women’s Empowerment visual created for the club by Ayla Romero

The club recently held its first meeting of the school year with about 40 students attending. The club’s president, Jetsie Villegas, shared her thoughts with all the attendees by saying, “I’m very proud of them. I’m happy that so many people showed up and it’s just exciting to see that many people want to support our club.”

In the first meeting, the officers introduced themselves and proceeded to talk about the importance of empowering women on campus. This year the club hopes to be more active with El D and the community here on campus.

The officers plan to offer community service opportunities, hold drives to donate to shelters, and even hold a small fundraiser for club members. For the fundraiser, they plan on selling merchandise branded with the club logo. In preparation for this, the officers held a logo contest where members have the chance to create a logo and submit it, then the club altogether would vote on all of the logos that were submitted. In the meantime, officers will be planning out the fundraiser and are telling the club members to stay posted on any further updates.

The club treasurer, Leah Valencia says, “Women’s Empowerment is all inclusive”. If anyone is interested in the club, the next meeting will be held on October 12 where the plan is to get to know the members and also speak on issues regarding women.

2023-2024 Women’s Empowerment Officers


  1. Great article and great club! It’s so important to have inclusive and safe spaces on campus for students.

  2. Hi, this article is great, it’s really cool how you’re campus is making an active effort to uplift and support the women on your campus. I also loved the pictures you added they fit your story
    -Hope M (Redwood Gigantea)

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