CSF: Continuing Scholastic Excellence

By: John Vargas and Alisha Vasquez

California Scholarship Federation (CSF) at El Diamante High School is one of the most popular clubs. If you are planning on going to college, this club gives many opportunities for students to receive scholarships and graduation privileges.

President Of CSF, Mateo La Serna

CSF was founded in 1921. It is one of the oldest scholastic scholarship institutions in California. CSF has a high standard for you to be eligible for the club.

Senior Naveah Creason said, “I like that it forces you to have a rigorous schedule and also they make sure you meet all the requirements to be able to join the club”.

Another senior Angela Cruz stated, “I joined CSF because you can graduate with honors and also because I would say I am a philanthropist and so I really enjoyed that we did community service and are able to help out the community.”

Vice President of CSF, Diego Medina

CSF prepares you for the challenges of keeping your grades up in high school and in college; it makes you more responsible because you have to be an advocate for yourself. Many students at El Diamante High School have joined CSF because of all the benefits such as receiving a cord, sitting in front at graduation, and having a possibility of getting many scholarships for college.

Creason also mentioned, “I joined CSF because you get a cord for graduation after being in it for two years.”

CSF won’t only get you a cord or a front seat at graduation, but it can also get you scholarships for college. Scholarships are a big help because it can help you with the expenses that you may have to pay for. CSF is also an amazing opportunity to be more involved with the school.

Senior Olivia Torres said “I joined CSF to get more scholarship opportunities and to get involved in the school.”

CSF is a great club to be a part of if you are looking to pursue higher education after high school. It gives the student an opportunity to help out the community, and to be more involved in our school. So if you are ensure in joining this club, reconsider it. There are so many benefits for high school students to be in this club.

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