Creative Corner is a club that is centered around the importance of self-expression and community through art. The club holds biweekly meetings on Thursdays in room 908 (Mr. Hales’ Room). Meetings often include arts and crafts to participate in, and a chill environment to draw and hang out with friends.

Club President Johnny Alvarez says, “People should come to Creative Corner to express themselves in a fun environment… you get to see different people express themselves in different ways, and I really like that about Creative Corner .”
Secretary Diana Padilla adds, “I was kind of struggling to make friends as a freshman last year, but Creative Corner helped me meet amazing new people, and it provided a safe space for me to express myself.”
Along with Vice President Tobias Love, and publicity officer Melia Carlton, Creative Corner is a club that provides a relaxing space for students to show their love for art and creativity.
There are also fun activities to participate in after the meetings as well. Every meeting, there is a new prompt that the members can take inspiration from. With the prompt, students can create an art piece of any kind. This could include a drawing, painting, poem, short story, sculpture, or any other artistic work. The only requirement is to have fun and create something you are proud of! The club also shares a journal that gets passed around at the end of every meeting. The book showcases club members’ work from 2020 until now, and is an important piece of the club’s history.
The next Creative Corner meeting will be held on October 26th in room 908 with the prompt, “Favorite Scary Movie.”
They let me draw a pumpkin