Varsity Girls Water Polo Shares Special Bond

By: Kaylissa Elenes

El D is well into its Girls Varsity Water Polo team and I have interviewed players from the team including a team captain. I have asked for their favorite traditions and team ethics when it comes to their bond as a team. Lets learn more about our Girls water polo team.

Girls H2O Polo Team Makes Time for Bonding

Coming from team Captain Lauren Pelayo 24′ I have asked her how she leads and encourages her team. She responds with, “As a captain I found that it is very important to learn what motivates everyone personally. I find the best way to encourage the team is by talking positively, as well as reassuring everyone that we will do well as long as we stay calm and think smart.” This shows how much Lauren cares for her team and wants them to succeed.

I also asked Lauren about her team’s pre-game tactics in which she replied, “This year we have begun to prioritize praying before each game and I believe it has an important role in motivating us because it connects us spiritually and brings us closer as a team.”

Joanna Lee 25′ I added what her favorite traditions and team bonding activities are, “Team parties and mainly the pool parties.” She enjoys spending quality time with her team and building closer relationships with everyone on the team.

She continued by saying “We had a team pool party recently at our coaches house and all of us had so much fun. It definitely hyped us up for our game the next day.” When the team hangs out it builds closer bonds and gets them excited and ready to play together as one. The bond this team has is amazing.

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