EDHS Seniors Take on College Applications

By: Elisabeth Beck

College application season is upon us. At El Diamante, workshops are being hosted to help seniors apply to College of the Sequoias, COS, California State Universities, CSU, and University of California, UC. 

The first COS workshop occurred on Tuesday, October 17th in the library. Two representatives from COS came: the paralegal program, and our representative from COS, Krystal Salazar. The representatives will come back later in December, to help more students register again. A presentation about COS’ paralegal program took place before we applied. The paralegal program can help students get a feel about what the program is about, and it can give students access to many resources into the field of law. Then the students continued on to apply to COS. Mr. Taylor, the senior learning director, also attended to help out students with any additional questions they may have. It was a quick process to apply, and with any questions students may have, Ms. Salazar was there to answer them.

A senior attendee, Brianna Gutierrez states they were “really helpful.” She appreciates that “they provided a lot of information with their pathway to law school” and “overall it was great.” The second workshop will be on Tuesday, December 5th, and following the second workshop there will be a third workshop in January of next year. The third one will take place on Friday, January 26th. 

Photo Creds: El Diamante Homepage

The UC application workshop is happening on Monday, October 23rd. Like the COS workshop, there are three groups. Students are asked to bring a charged chromebook so that they can apply. Senior Morgan Phillipe attended the UC workshop and mentions “that there was really good information and she was able to talk to Taylor without having to schedule a meeting.” Phillipe says that it “information she needed to hear” to help her continue to apply for UC’s. There will be another UC workshop on Monday, November 9th in the library. 

A CSU application took place on Tuesday, October 24th. Students were able to take a full period to sign up for any CSU they would like. There will be another CSU workshop on Thursday, November 2nd. It will once again take place in the library. Senior Nayah Rios attended and said there were two Fresno State representatives there to help students with any questions they may have. Rios mentions that “students do it on their own” and it was a time for students to apply to any CSU they wish. 

El Diamante has been hosting a variety of different colleges coming to the campus to give a presentation. To just name a few, Grand Canyon University, Biola, Westmont, UC Riverside. The majority of the presentations took place during homeroom in the library. The colleges gave informational meetings not to just seniors but to juniors who wish to attend as well. 

Seniors are able to sign up through the links of the weekly homeroom slides, or the El Diamante website under student services.

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