Juniors Take Trophy on AVID Family Game Night

By Alisha Vasquez

On October 18 all AVID classes took part in AVID family game night. This is an annual game night where all AVID classes do activities and play various games. This year there was a “trophy” which was this glittery green duck. The class that won this year was the Junior class.

Accredited to Fernanda Romo

The seniors made a “Jeopardy” game which is where each grade level had a spokesperson. The juniors made a little obstacle course that was very fun. You had to go through hoola hoops as a group of five, then you bowled with a pumpkin, and finally, you had to run to the finish line with a marshmallow on a spoon. Sophomores taught everyone how to play the “marshmallow” game. Finally, the freshman decided to play “Twister”.

Accredited to Fernanda Romo

Each activity was very well planned out. I asked a couple of students on campus what they would rate AVID family game night on a scale of one to ten. First I asked junior Persaeus Jaramillo who rated it a 10/10 because all the games were very fun to play.

Next, I asked junior Fernanda Romo a question. I asked her what game was the most entertaining and she stated “The junior obstacle course” because it was so fun. I definitely agree with her because it was very fast-paced and very competitive.

At the end of the night, the juniors won the green duck that was displayed in Mrs. Jacobsma’s classroom. Junior Persaeus Jaramillo won the final match of “Twister” and led the AVID class of 2025 to victory.

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