Club Day Keeps School Spirit Alive and Thriving

By Ayla Romero

Club Day has become a tradition at El Diamante. This year’s Halloween Club Day was yesterday; many clubs on campus set up a table during lunch displaying their club, offering sign ups, stickers, candy, or other goodies. It’s very similar to our beginning of the year, Club Rush. Students get the opportunity to check out clubs at El D, sign up, and trick or treat for candy. 

Club Day is a time to socialize and have a good time with our peers. When overlooking the clubs offered here at El D, it’s so refreshing to see all the diversity in the clubs, almost like there is something for everyone. Just to list a few, our school offers clubs like Green Club, Diamond Players, Spanish Club, Miner Nation, Women’s Empowerment, followed by others. 

Club Day can get very festive and full of spirit as it’s held on Halloween and some clubs really showed out by dressing up and decorating their table to match the festive vibe of the holiday. There were students walking around in their costumes really having fun with the idea. All the costumes were amazing, some were funny, some were cute, and others were very creative.

One student, Leah Valencia, was checking out the clubs and commented on all the costumes saying, “It was a lot of fun to see the different costumes people had”. Other people were very happy with the turnout like fellow student Vanesa Avila, saying “It was a really good experience and I’m happy to see people sign up for different clubs”. 

I see Club Day as a reminder to students that it’s so important to get involved in school. You get to meet new people and form special bonds with other students, you’ll always have a safe space on campus, you get to be more social, and it also looks good on college applications. 

Something as simple as showing school spirit and joining one club can leave you with new traits and skills that can last a lifetime whether it be making new friends, showing teamwork, or even just showing your commitment to something. Clubs on campus are open to just about everybody. It’s never too late to put yourself out there. And who knows, maybe it can have a positive impact on your life here on campus.

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