Call of Duty Modern Warfare lll (2023): Worth the Hype? Maybe for Some

By Jordan Farhang

Over the course of the past weekend, I’ve had the Modern Warfare III: Beta that was released to Xbox and PC for those who pre-ordered the game. I’ll start by saying that it was definitely 100 times better than what we had with the “dumpster fire” that was Modern Warfare II. If you played that game then you understand just how bad it was.

For example, the TTK (time to kill) is for sure better than it was previously, but it was just a little too slow for me. It felt like I was out of ammo after engaging with only two people, but I definitely prefer that to being instantly evaporated on contact with one guy. The absolute BEST part of the game is obviously the movement, slide canceling is back, and so is the cancel reload animation. This finally brings back a skill gap to the game, and people who are actually good can enjoy the game. However, there is a slight delay when coming out of a slide cancel, it also does not refresh your tactical sprint. If you remember, Modern Warfare II (2022) completely took out all the movement and things that made the game fun for the sake of “realism”. But they soon contradicted themselves when adding cartoon characters to the game.

Now for the maps, every single one is a remake from the original Modern Warfare II (2009). No new maps were out for the beta release. That will obviously change when the full game is released. Each map plays extremely differently from one another and plays very well in my opinion. The only bad map is Favela, and that seems to be the consensus between players. None of the maps promote camping, and every place has more than one way to get into, so you are better off moving around than staying in one spot. 

One issue Call of Duty always seems to have is the fact that the weaponry always looks and sounds the same as the rest. Modern Warfare III (2023) has the same issue with the sound, but not the way the guns look, while each gun looks different, they all look extremely ugly (my personal opinon). They all also feel the exact same, high fire rate with no recoil. That said, they all feel good to use. Graphically, it doesn’t look a ton different from Modern Warfare II (2022), but it still feels like a different game. It basically looks like an updated Modern Warfare II with movement and better gun-play. Overall, I give Call of Duty Modern Warfare III a 7 out of 10.

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