By: Emily Osher

Thanksgiving is coming up fast and that means family trips, break off school, yet for El Diamante we are most excited for the food. El D asks staff and students, what foods they are most thankful for and they will be eating.
After asking multiple staff and students, the most popular food was mashed potatoes. El D doesn’t just like the taste of mashed potatoes but the variety that comes along with it.
Micaela Zegarra shares, “Mashed potatoes because [she] doesn’t eat meat and [is] able to make different types of potatoes.”
Senior Jadya Espinoza states “Mashed potatoes because [of how her] mom makes it.”
Journalism and English teacher, Mrs. Jolly says “That’s a tough question but [she] would have to say mashed potatoes because she likes to try new recipes, like putting in cream cheese or sour cream.”

Some students enjoy more of the pre-made food for Thanksgiving. A student, Kneiamya Espindola says her favorite food is the, “Hawaiian bread because it is sweet.”
Campus Security Auggie Gonzalez shares his favorite food is the turkey his wife, a teacher, makes with her class. He says, “It’s a Salvadoran recipe that she has been cooking for more than twenty years. The turkey is probably my favorite because I know it’s made with love.”

At the end of our dinners we always have room for sweets. This is what some of what El D looks forward to fix that sweet tooth. Senior, Aliza Rodriguez says her favorite food on Thanksgiving is the pumpkin pie. Rodriguez states, “Pumpkin pie is my favorite because it’s seasonal. It is the type of food that we eat once a year that just reminds me of fall and brings me back to my childhood.ยจ