By Chad Boswell
With finals right around the corner it may be stressful for some students to try to fit studying and making plans into the same days. The more uplifting thing about finals is right after we will have three weeks of winter break. Now besides Christmas, most people will find themselves sitting around not having much to do over the rest of the time span especially if they are a little short on money and need something to do. So in that case here are some ideas for things you can do over Winter Break that have a very limited or no cost at all.
- Flashback Cinema Theater

On Sundays and Wednesdays at the Galaxy Theatre in Tulare they will be playing old holiday movies that are only five dollars for those days. They will be showing movies like “Elf” on December 3rd & 6th, “Christmas Vacation” on December 10th & 13th, and lastly “It’s a Wonderful Life” on December 17th, 20th, and the 24th being Christmas Eve. This is agood idea for if you just want to get out for the holidays either by yourself, with friends or family and for only five dollars it’s cheap and a good deal.
- Spend time learning an Instrument
Most of the time when people have an Instrument laying around it’s hard to try to find the time to learn it because of school, work, or other responsibilities. So over Christmas break if you have an instrument these three weeks would be a really good time to try to take the time to learn it and plus if you already own one you don’t have to worry about spending any money either. There are tons of Youtube videos that teach you how to play and you don’t have to pay anyone for expensive lessons.
- Go out with Friends
With Winter Break being three weeks it gives you plenty of time to go out with your friends and even catch up more and it’s not that expensive either. Go over to a friend’s house and watch movies. Instead of going out and buying an expensive hot drink, make hot chocolate or a coffee drink at home with snacks you already have in your pantry.
- Traveling

Traveling seems expensive, but if you stay local the gas money should be more reasonable. You can doing travel somewhere to look at historic places such as the museum at Mooney’s Grove or Colonel Allensworth State Historical Park. Or, you can drive up to the snow in Three Rivers or Sequoia Nat’l Forest Traveling is a good idea because you have three weeks to see and go places you wouldn’t be able to do while busy with school.
- Skating/Biking
During winter break a good thing you can do to spend time is riding either your bike or skateboard across town. It is a really good time killer and you can also listen to music while doing so and it’s also a great way to just get out of the house and get exercise without feeling like you are at the gym or something.
Overall there are a lot of things you can do over the next three weeks we have for break that cost little to no money in general. With finals coming up these things I listed can be a really good way to relax after it’s over.
Good luck on Finals Everyone!