Kindness Week Quickly Approaches at EDHS

By Madeline Alvarez

Kindness week at El Diamante is this upcoming week. It is a tradition here and it takes place every year around Valentine’s Day. It begins T
Tuesday, February 12 this year. The purpose of Kindness Week is to get students to recognize the heartfelt acts of kindness that people can show each other.

Senior: Angelica Martinez

Senior, Angelica Martinez who is in charge of Kindness Week says that she, along with the rest of the committee, looks forward to presenting their classmates with these kind interactions in a genuine way. The committee’s goal by the end of the week is to have others participate in acts of kindness as well. ASB is hoping that this week will bring positivity to the campus and that it will be enjoyable for everyone.

This year there will be dress-up days and different activities. The campus will be decorated as well. There will be activities throughout the day, such as handouts in the morning and activities during lunch. I have been informed about the different activities that will be happening. On Tuesday there will be painting, on Wednesday you can make friendship bracelets, coloring will be taking place on Thursday, and on Friday there will be a culture fair. All of the activities will be taking place in room 601.

Angelica says “I’m looking forward to a nice and relaxing week. My fellow classmates have helped come together and plan some really cute ideas I’m so thankful for and can’t wait to share with the whole school.”

Sophomore and ASB spirit commissioner, Sophia Benevento also shared what she was excited about Kindness Week. She says “Kindness week is one of my favorite weeks of the school year. I am looking forward to participating in the dress-up days and spreading kindness to my fellow peers”

Sophmore: Sophia Benevento

ASB and the committee for Kindness Week are working hard and are excited for this week and can’t wait to share it with the rest of our school.

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