A Look into Beckham Ybarra’s Final Season: 2024 Tennis Season Preview

Sports Feature

By: Kaylissa Elenes

The 2024 Varsity Boys Tennis season has yet to begin but the boys are excited for what’s to come, particularly Beckham Ybarra.

Ybarra is thrilled about this upcoming season and states, “[he is most] excited for the bus drives and for doubles.” What are doubles you ask? They are when two players from both the competing schools go up in a match of 2v2 and fight for a winning spot. It can become pretty competitive.

Beckham Ybarra, Photo Credits: Chance Ybarra

When the season begins the level at which the players hold themselves to is taken into account. Expectations and achievements will be set and players will be ultimately trying their best to do and be the best they can. It will be a hard fight for spots and players will compete for higher rankings as individuals on a list.

When asked what expectations and goals he has for this season Beckham responds with, “I hope to achieve going to Valley this year. And my expectation is to play to the best of my ability and continue to grow as a player.”

This shows the dedication he has for his sport and the effort he is willing to put in to see the results he wishes to see later on in the season. Winning Valley is in his near future and if he plays to the best of his abilities as quoted, he can and will accomplish it.

Sports generally have pre-game traditions that are carried as good luck or motivation before a big game. These are usually done as a team, but since tennis is an individual sport the players often do these acts on their own and personally. I asked Beckham to share his tradition to which he replied, “Before each tennis game, I say a little prayer to myself as a form of good luck.” When saying said prayer, Beckham claims that it boosts him as an individual and helps aid him to play to his full potential. Tennis is a mental game and helps put him in the right mindset.

His upcoming tennis season is gonna be jam-packed with competition worth watching and skilled matches that will determine the placements of players including Beckham Ybarra. Will he win Valley? They have an upcoming match on Wednesday, Feburary 14th, at Mission Oak. Go check out his matches and find out. Good things are to come this season for Varsity Boys Tennis.


  1. Coach Harding

    Very good job on your article. Thank you for featuring Boys Tennis.

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