From Heartbreak to Inspiration: Boys Basketball 23-24 Season Wrap Up

By: Michael Marquez-Ramirez

Boys Basketball has come to an end with a heartbreaking loss aganist Golden West down by two points. The team and coaches are heartbroken to this heartbreaking loss, but has led them to continue forward and play with heart.

JV coach Brandon Guzman, shares, “This season hasn’t been what we wanted it to be but we improved and showed heart.” A famous quote that our coaches live by is F.A.M.I.L.Y: forget about me, I love you. It means forgetting about yourself and no matter what, win or lose, we still love each other. It has been hard for some to accept that our season has ended but our coach reminded us that “we can teach you to shoot, dribble, and play defense but we can never teach you to play every game to the very end win or lose, show us some heart.”

Coaches Jerome Guzman and Brandon Guzman, Photo Credits: Brandon Guzman

This season the boys basketball team has competed in some exciting games against Monache and Mt. Whitney. In one of the league games against Mt. Whitney, it was a very close, nail biting game.

Assistant coach, Jerome Guzman describes the Mt. Whitney game as “you guys have proven so much we were so stressed out wondering what happened to our team and you guys finally stepped up. You guys left everything on that court you guys hung your hats on defense and played it to the very end” – the team was able to pull out a win and defeat Mt. Whitney.

In the very last game against Golden West El D suffered a horrible loss by two points. The team was heartbroken not wanting the last game to end like this. JV player, Alex Rodriguez describes the last few league games as “We haven’t been playing basketball like how we usually do and it’s disappointing we had a great first half and that third quarter I don’t know what happens to us we start playing down to our competition.”

Emotions rose as it was our last game and certain calls weren’t made by referees. As we crowded the locker room heartbroken, teary eyed, upset, our coach turned the night around. Coach Brandon Guzman shared “You guys fought to the very end. We did let up at the end. Our defense started going down and you beat yourself up.” He continued by saying, “But you guys fought to the very end. I’m glad I had the opportunity to be your coach. We are F.A.M.I.L.Y. – forget about me, I love you.”

As our coach stopped talking, our assistant coach stepped in to state “Out of all the teams I coached, you guys have improved the most. From all of the running, to the yelling, you guys kept improving and you guys didn’t give up. No matter how tired you guys were, you kept going and I’m proud of you guys.” As the season has come to end; the team left with love out on the court and played to the best of their capabilities.

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