El D Students Share Their Favorite Places to Travel in and out of State

By Allison Alvarez

Do you ever want to just escape reality and try to get your mind off the stresses of everyday life? Traveling is a great way to do that. Take a trip with me as the students of El Diamante share some of their favorite places to travel. 

California beaches are some of the most sought after travel destinations.

Senior Ashley Espino says her favorite place to travel is Los Angeles, California.

She claims that “the reason I like going to Los Angeles is for the beaches there.”

Another senior Sophia Saeasee also says that she likes the West Coast as well and her favorite place to travel to is San Diego, California. Along with Ashley she finds happiness in the nice beaches and cool, coastal weather.

When asking senior Nicholas Reynoso what his favorite place was to travel he told me the Central Coast for the beaches. It is “calming looking at the ocean waters and listening to the crashing waves. There is so much to do like surfing, and on top of that the downtown area is peaceful and the people who live there are very kind” claims Nicholas. The beaches seem to be popular places of interest for a good amount of these El Diamante students.  

Hawaii is a favorite destination for those fortunate enough to travel there.

While some people prefer the places in California, others like to travel more distance to get to their dream destinations. Senior Natalia Ardon claims that Hawaii has her heart because “I really love the fresh produce.”

Out of personal experience Hawaii was one of my top places as well because of the nice beaches and delicious food. The acai bowls in Hawaii have really fresh fruit and are probably some of the best I’ve ever had. The beaches had water that wasn’t freezing and sand that was so soft, along with pretty good weather. It is a very peaceful environment and the jungle areas are beautiful and so green. 

Even if you aren’t able to travel very far, California offers many fun places to travel to ranging from nice beaches and coastal areas or the lovely mountain and forest areas right in our backyard.

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