Link Crew Says 8th Grade Preview Day a Success

by Anabelle Navarro

On Friday, March 1st, Link Crew hosted a preview day to welcome the future Miners onto the El Diamante Campus. Senior Ally Williams described the purpose of the preview day as, “a time for the 8th graders from the schools that feed into El Diamante to come here for a little tour and rally to get a feel of high school life and get an idea of what classes they can join, the clubs that we offer, and sports”.

Photo Credit: Alisha Vasquez

The trip began with the Link Crew leaders guiding each class of 8th graders around campus to explore and get acquainted with the school. The students were allowed to enter certain classrooms to receive information about the class and have a few words with their potential teachers. The students were accompanied by their current teacher and a link crew leader dressed in the pink Spider-Man link crew shirts who were trained to give a warm welcome to the students.

The groups were led to the gym where they were introduced to Mr. Evans the Link Crew advisor. He gave them information on the many clubs and programs El Diamante offers. Senior Ally Williams, former Link Crew leader says, “I feel like it’s a family, we’re super hype, we all love each other, everybody’s always super energetic, and we’re super positive. It’s a great place to be if you’re down and we all bring each other up. It’s a great place if you need a lending hand, come to Link Crew”.

Students gained a lot of information from their potential high school because of the Link Crew committee. Link Crew continues to serve year after year to ensure Miners get the best possible experience here at El Diamante.

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