Eclipse Spectacle: Miners Gather Under Celestial Shadow

By Kaylissa Elenes

Mrs. Lopez puts on glasses to look at the eclipse. Photo: Aubree Lackey

On Monday, April 8th the solar eclipse that comes only once in a great while passed over El Diamante at around 11 am. Many students and classes stepped outside to view the eclipse and got to experience the sight above.

Sophomore Sawyer Beck remarked, “ I thought it was really cool since I have never seen one before and I got to see it with my biology class. Overall it was a great experience and I’m glad I got to see it.”

Many Miners never experienced an eclipse. That’s what made the moment so special and had everyone wanting to view it. For those who had already seen an eclipse, it was just as spectacular as the one in 2017.

When asked if the eclipse was what he expected to which he replied, “Not entirely. I thought the sky would go completely dark and that the sun would blind me, but it was still pretty light out when it happened.”

The solar eclipse this year was not a complete one like back in August of 2017. The eclipse that happened here was only a partial eclipse and explains why the sky didn’t go totally dark. The main areas that got to view the full eclipse were from Texas up to New York. However, NASA claims that there will not be a Solar Eclipse crossing again for 20 years, so those of you lucky teachers and students who got to view it on Monday better have soaked up the vision of it in your mind because that will be the last time you’ll see an eclipse for a very long while. The eclipse was definitely something students enjoyed watching with their friends and the moment of it all won’t be forgotten up until the time they collide again with the next eclipse.

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