New Bathroom Procedure Brings About Differing Feelings on the Change

By: Diana Padilla and Addison Tripp

As of this year, El Diamante has started using a new system for students to use the restroom. Students may log in and out using the 5-Star app and wear color-coded vests when walking to and from the restroom. This new policy has been implemented to keep track of students outside of class, what building they came from, and how long they have been out.

Principal Nelson says, “As a principal, I want to make sure that we are providing all of our students with the best education possible. We are making sure that this is a safe school… and so these policies are put in place with a lot of thought.” She expressed that last year many students communicated with her about feeling unsafe when going to the bathroom. According to Mrs. Nelson, many students have been loitering in the bathrooms, and she wanted to make a change for the good of all students and their safety.

Jamison Blanchard, interviewed about the new bathroom policy
Photo by: Jamison Blanchard

This new system is a significant change for El Diamantes students, so they must adjust. Senior Jamison Blanchard shared her opinion on the new policy. She feels that “There has to be a better way than the new policy. It is inconvenient for students and campus security”. Jamison went on to express how the new policy is a whole process that feels excessive and cuts more into her class time than leaving to go to the bathroom regularly ever would. She explained that having to wear their bathroom pass feels gross. She also added that. “Mirrors should be brought back as well”.

Regarding the cleanliness of these vests, the admin will keep them clean by washing them weekly and rotating between two different vests. Students also have the option to hang them on the door so they never go into the bathroom. Mrs. Nelson claims that “[The vests] are far more sanitary than one that you are constantly touching because it’s over your clothes. It’s going to be washed weekly, we also have magnetic knobs where you can hang your vests if you choose. But, I would say to students who are concerned about germs; wash your hands.” 

5-Star Student application
Image by: 5Star

El Diamante’s campus security has become a necessary part of the 5-Star process. They are responsible for unlocking the doors for students. When they go to the bathroom, campus security checks to see if they are wearing the vest correctly and if there is a hall pass in their name; only then do they unlock the doors. The 5-Star process is beneficial for keeping tabs on students.

One campus security describes that, “The process is effective in allowing us to see what students are out of class, and for how long.” The campus security also explains that, “The biggest issue that we are seeing is that students are not wearing vests around campus.” 5-Star and color-coded vests are used to keep students in the proper places around campus. However, incorrect usage makes that difficult. One issue is that “Students are not ending their passes when they get back to class.” 

Regardless of different opinions on campus about this new bathroom system, we will all have to get used to using it regularly. If we want this system to work the way it should, then we must approach it correctly and be patient with one another as we try to improve upon it.

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