By: Ayla Romero

production of LSOF
Photo by: Lisa Cavasos
It’s been months in the making and the school musical is just right around the corner. The iconic rock musical, Little Shop of Horrors, will be taking the stage at the LJ Williams Theater starting February 20, and will be put on by the very talented students here at El D. One of those talented students includes Stone Martin, who takes his lead role as Seymour and has made the role his own, as well as being one of the helping hands in creating one incredible musical production.
In Little Shop of Horrors, Stone will be taking on the role of Seymour, a flower shop assistant who finds himself an opportunity for romance and success with the help of a growing plant that feeds only on human flesh. With such a dramatic plot, Little Shop of Horrors has so many amazing elements including comedy, horror, and an amazing musical-theater score. All of these factors make for one fantastic stage production. Stone was kind enough to share with me how his experience has been in helping to put the musical together.
I first started by asking Stone how rehearsals have gone and if things were coming along well with the production. He expressed how fun and helpful the rehearsals have been for him and how they will soon be moving into the theater.
Stone also shared that, “It’s nice being able to connect with everyone so we can have a good time putting on the show. Everything’s been going pretty well too, and I think it’s gonna be a great show by the time opening night rolls around”.
Now, being the lead in a musical is no easy task, especially when it’s your senior year and you have so much on your plate. Stone mentioned that along with being in the musical, he had also been keeping up with Academic Decathlon, college applications, and scholarships.
Not only that, but this is Stone’s first time ever acting in a musical and stated, “I’m still trying my best to hold up the drama program’s reputation and play the part of Seymour as best I can”. It’s a lot for one person to handle but from the looks of it, Stone has been taking all of it on with such grace and determination.

Being the lead in the school musical, I can only imagine all of the challenging tasks that come along with it. Stone shared that memorizing his lines and songs had come pretty easy to him since he’s always been pretty good at retaining information. However, he mentioned that he had faced some challenges when taking on the role of Seymour.
“Actually trying to get super into character and act with my entire body and emotions was challenging. I’m still working on nailing the choreography and being as “dramatic” as possible though by trying to really put myself in the shoes of Seymour.”
Challenging as it may be, I think we are all pretty confident that Stone will rise to the occasion and by opening night, he will be “Suddenly Seymour”.
Despite Stone’s obstacles, he has still been able to find the good in being a part of the production. He mentioned that his favorite part of being in the production is being able to get through a good rehearsal or run-through of the show and feeling really good about it.
He also shared, “It really helps to make me feel more confident in the idea that I can actually do this and not totally embarrass myself. It’s really fun and engaging performing this show when I’m not in my own head and I can just have fun with it”.
Stone has shown us that he is incredibly dedicated to his role as Seymour, and from the looks of it, he’s really enjoying being a part of this musical with the rest of the cast.
From what Stone has shared , I think it’s clear to say that he and the cast are putting together a wonderful production. We all can’t wait to see Stone as Seymour as well as the rest of the cast as they bring the world of Little Shop of Horrors to the LJ Williams Theater. Be sure to mark your calendars and come check out El Diamante’s production of Little Shop of Horrors, starting February 20.