

Staff Writer

Now I know what you’re thinking, how could this world be full of hatred and violence? Well the answer to that question would be we were all humans until race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us, and wealth classified us. Before we started to hate each other because of what we believed in society we were just humans who were able to sit down and talk and agree on certain things about this world and walk away and still be friends with one another or close to one another, but now if we disagreed on certain things we immediately hate each other for having different beliefs and we talk trash about one another. Why do different beliefs have to separate us from the ones we want to be friends with or be close with?

Life is way too short to be hurting each other or being angry at each other or trash talking one another because we have different beliefs as human beings. We should be able to talk to one another without being angry at one another or thinking about hurting others because we don’t get what we want. People always think violence is the way to go and they blame it on their depression or whatever they have going on when that’s not even the case, they know what’s going on but they don’t use their heads to think the possibilities of the outcomes of their choices. 

The biggest problem we have in this world is communication. We always talk about each other and why were mad at one another instead of talking to each other. That’s when violence breaks out between the two people The second problem we have is that we let people get in between us and say untrue things about each other and we fight so much without talking to each other to figure out our stuff and settle it. Sometimes things just escalate and turn worse as it goes and we get filled with so much anger that we don’t think about what we’re doing and the consequences that it has. We should have more random acts of kindness to improve people’s moods, self-esteem, etc. But most importantly make someone in the world happy enough to consider making others happy.

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