E.L.D.S Continued 6 (Aftermath)


Staff Writer

Once I woke up from blacking out, everything that had happened started rushing back in my head. I jumped right back up on my feet about to go into my battle stance when I realized I wasn’t at the battle ground anymore. I woke up in district twelve’s hospital. Orion was sitting on a chair next to my bedside in the hospital. As soon as I realized what had happened I sat back down on the hospital bed.

“Nice to see you still breathing soldier,” I said to Orion while feeling burned out and out of breathe.

“I can say the same thing to you captain, What in the hell happened after I was stabbed?“ Orion asked interested in the story I was about to tell him. I, instead of telling him, got my helmet and took out my chip and placed it in a computer which showed my perspective from my helmet during the entire fight. As soon as I blacked out the camera also shut off.

“What happened after I lost soldier?” I asked Orion looking at the floor in defeat. Orion still amazed and hypnotized of the battle he just witnessed between me and the rebel. After he shook it out of his head he stood up.

“After I woke up I found you,  that is all there is to it captain,” He said to me walking to a curtain next to him that separates my hospital room with another.

“But you weren’t the only one I found,” Orion said placing his hand on the curtain. What he said confused me for a couple of seconds until I started putting the pieces together.

“You didn’t lose the fight captain,” Orion finally concluded while pulling the curtain off.

“It was a draw, we both passed out after the battle,” The rebel said to me sitting right across from me also on a hospital bed. I stood up ready to fight, ignoring the fact that I was completely burned out with my power was still low. Orion put his hand on my shoulder sitting me back down on my hospital bed.

“Hear him out captain, that’s all I ask” Orion said to me with sadness in his voice when he asked. The first time I’ve heard him sound like that made it impossible to refuse his offer. I sat up with my ears open. I was ready to hear the story of how he came to be. The story of the rebel. The one who has the power to go toe to toe against a captain.

To Be Continued….

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