Battle Week Activities


Staff Writer

Last week El Diamante celebrated our football players as we led up to our final football game and our battle for the saddle over the week we showed our school spirit throughout the week as the excitement built towards the big game.
Monday was the beginning of the week and we started it off with a bang. Cowboys and cowgirls flooded the campus. Among them were lambs, piglets and cows along with other farm animals could be seen around the campus. The lunchtime activity on Monday was a selfie scavenger hunt, those who participated got to show off their skills as they were able to search the campus.
Tuesday followed the theme of old town road. We saw old people roaming around with walking sticks and zimmer frames showing us a glimpse of what the students and teachers old El D will look like in their old age. The lunchtime challenge was the pudding cup relay. Some of our football players were put to the test as they battled it out for the win. We saw crowds of people huddled around cheering and supporting our boys showing their true miner pride.
For Wednesday the theme was yee to my haw. Mike Wasowski’s and Sullys, Mario and Luigi and even a tinker bell and peter pan were seen. Dynamic duos were certainly not hard to find on Wednesday. Sticking with the theme of teamwork, the lunchtime game was a wheelbarrow race. Pairs raced down the grass in front of the library to show if they themselves were a dynamic duo.

Thursday was Halloween. The excitement truly began to build on Thursday as battle day grew closer. The theme was spooky stories around the campfire and we saw an overwhelming amount of participation; Halloween costumes were being rocked. Thursdays lunchtime was an opportunity to raise money for Valley Children’s. Decorated pumpkins were put on display and left for people to vote on their favorite. With all the excitement for the game, it was only right for us to use it as an opportunity to raise awareness for a worthy cause.

Friday. Battle day. The excitement was truly at its peak. The Miner Nation was in full support with a large amount of the student population wearing green and getting ready for the big game. The rally was hosted by Coach Franklin and the rally ended with a very excited group of students. We were ready to go to the game and support. The rally was filled with excitement and performances from our cheerleaders and dance group in motion along with videos of the senior football players to celebrate them. Despite the fire alarm going off, some of the football players joined the cheer team to dance to the cha cha slide. Following the rally, a food carnival was held. Friday certainly showed the Miners true pride as we left school to head to the game to support our team and cheer them on.

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