Family Services of Tulare County


Staff Writer

Domestic violence is a serious issue that many people find hard to discuss, which is why Family Services of Tulare County is an important resource for the community. FSTC is a private, non-profit organization that provides information about domestic violence to the community. Family Services aids victims of violence while also raising awareness for human trafficking and sexual assault. Their programs help instill safety in homes, relationships, and children to create a safer community and every year, they serve over 3,000 individuals. To get involved, you can fill out a volunteer application on their website (  and find volunteer opportunities such as Domestic Violence Crisis Counselor or Freedom House volunteer. If you’re interested in donating to help save lives and provide space for domestic violence survivors, head to their website or donate through the mail/over the phone; every little bit helps. To stay updated on their work in Tulare County, follow their Instagram and Facebook, @familyservicestc. 

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