The Importance Of Our Skin


Staff Writer

Even as it gets cloudy and rainy, it is still important to protect your skin. Our skin provides protection against disease, regulation of temperature, and sensation. When our body is in pain it focuses more on that pain than other important things. That is why people need to do the best they can to protect their skin from harmful damaging UV rays. Sunscreen is mostly used by families during the summer and specifically only on vacation when you go to the beach. Wearing sunscreen all the time can help reduce wrinkles and skin damage that comes with age from too much sun. Sunscreen also prevents chronic skin cancers. When you get sunburned the top layer called the epidermis is irritated and that is why adding a little layer of sunscreen can help reduce the amount of damage. Applying sunscreen every day, even if it is just a little bit to your face, can help your skin in the future. So even if it is cloudy outside, it is always a good idea to rub on a little sunscreen. 

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