Burger King Sued


Staff Writer

This past Monday, a vegan customer eating at Burger King had filed a lawsuit against Burger King, the iconic fast-food establishment. The customer, Mr. Williams, made a public statement, claiming that the famous Impossible Whopper (a Burger King Whopper made with plant-based ingredients, completely lacking meat, for vegans) was grilled on the same grill as the rest of their regular meaty burgers. He made it clear that if he had known this was happening, he would have not ordered the Whopper in the first place. According to The New York Times, the suit stated that the establishment is being sued due to its “false and misleading business practices”; it also takes into account that many vegan customers would not choose to eat there anymore, considering the circumstances. To make matters worse, Burger King did not want to talk about the issue on the following Tuesday towards the poor man who had received the Whopper, for they had emailed him that “We do not comment on pending litigation.”

While this isn’t their first time being deep in trouble due to related issues — in June this year, Burger King made a public apology on accidentally giving out regular Whoppers to those who had ordered Impossible Whoppers — Burger King has still not publicly come out and made a statement about this issue, whether it be an apology or some other kind of response to both Mr. Williams and the rest of the world. It has been almost 2 days now, and they have chosen to remain silent, either by telling news stations that they wish to not talk about the situation or by just not responding at all. The Impossible Whopper used to be a very big success, and now, many people are having doubts; no one knows when the establishment will respond or what they’ll say.

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