Mixed Thoughts

Staff Writer 

I try not to let it get to me 

I really do

But somehow I remember the thought of me and you

We were great 

At least I thought so 

But maybe we weren’t and that’s why you had to let go

Happiness is a chance 

You either take it or deny it 

Maybe we had denied it before 

So now it’s hardcore 

Can we get that back?

Or are we all lost?

In a world where there is no lust 

 Or even with trust 

It’s all gone 

Don’t you see?

The world is nothing without you and me 

I wake up 

Feel so tired

Wanting to go back to bed just to escape the reality of being bothered 



And more sleep 

That’s all I want to do 

Because I’m tired of everything 

Maybe I’m even tired of you

I love you with all my heart 

Even though it tears me apart

I try my best I truly do 

But somehow I just feel like you don’t love me the way I love you

But it’s okay don’t feel bad 

I’ll try to give you what you once had, you feel like you lost it all

My tears are not starting to fall

I feel your pain yes I sure do

Even though you don’t believe me, I promise I do love you

And even though I would like to go away 

And maybe even rot,

This is something I would want you to hear,

It’s called mixed thoughts.

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