Is Visalia in Danger?


Recently in our town, there have been scary, and uneasy events taking place. Events that you wouldn’t think would happen anywhere near us. There have been children and young adults being kidnapped by sex trafficers in places we go daily. Last week on Caldwell street, there was a 20-year-old girl who was doing her nightly grocery shopping at Winco. As she was shopping she noticed a man, who looked roughly around the age of 45, following her throughout the store. He seemed kind of off to her when she noticed he wasn’t shopping. When she left the store he began to follow her and it caused her to go back and ask an employee to walk her to the car. At Walmart on Noble, there was also a young lady who was asked to “test a bottle of perfume” outside of the store. When she inhaled it, it knocked her out and the men were able to take her to their car. As scary as these incidents seem, it’s not just men doing these horrific things, it’s also women. There have been several encounters of older women wanting to talk about “God” as a way to lure you into a trap. Our one safe place we call home is no longer safe. Ladies are told to be safe and watch our surroundings, but the fact that women are the only targets in such a small area is sad and scary.

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