E.L.D.S Continued 9 (New Enemy)


Staff Writer

After getting my head together from what I just witnessed I knew what was coming next. These new creatures weren’t gonna stop at just the Wilder’s district. Next was us. We are the furthest district from the capital and the closest district to the enemy’s territory. I found the nearest soldiers near me and demanded that they start the district alarm. Once the alarm went off, Orion and the general of district twelve found their way to me. 

“Battle positions!” the general yelled at the soldiers not asking any questions on why I started the alarm. It was like he knew what was coming and seeing how concerned I was made him terrified. Orion and I took ourselves outside the district wall waiting for the arrival of the unknown creatures. Most of the military was instructed to only hold back and defend the district. I was given a handful of soldiers and vehicles. I had two giant robotic foot drones which were controlled by highly skilled soldiers with one in each robot foot drone. I was also given three plasma tanks that shoot plasma lasers of course. I had three laser turrets on the wall of the district to back us up from any aerial attacks. I had about three hundred soldiers on foot who I will be fighting with including Orion. The two robotic foot drones were sent to the front of the formation with foot soldiers right behind for backup and then the tanks in the back handling major backup and taking out any heavy artillery they have. The formation was set and not soon after the floor started rumbling. It got worse the closer the enemy creatures came closer. A battle was about to begin.

The rumbling stopped and complete silence came across the entire battle zone. We were all confused about what happened to what we were hearing. As soon as everyone dropped their guard all the creatures I had once seen on a screen were right in front of me. They had some sort of invisibility cloak which hid their entire presence. The battle didn’t even begin and we already underestimated them. Once the invisibility came undone their entire army of creatures had us all surrounded. 

“ATTACK!” I yelled giving permission to engage the enemy. I was taking out some of them with the guns we were given and once I had a breather I looked around. Our three plasma tanks were taken out the moment we realized we were surrounded by getting attacked from the back. The two robotic foot drones were taken down and torn apart from the sheer number of troops they had over us. The creatures were horrible at one on one combat. I’m sure they couldn’t even speak. They fought and attacked like animals. Our soldiers killed a lot of these creatures but were being taken out by the sheer numbers they had. They had no type of aerial attack so the turrets on the wall aimed at the floor and gave ground support. The creatures were going down at a rapid rate with the turrets on the wall that were giving us support. We had this battle in the bag. Once all the creatures were taken out we made sure they were dead. The remaining foot soldiers started cheering. The soldiers on the turret got off and started cheering also. The cheering stopped when everyone saw a grey and dark ball of energy come from out of nowhere. It hit the wall of district twelve making a gigantic hole in it and also taking out all the turrets that were on it. We turned back around the see another horde of these creatures rushing towards us. They weren’t alone this time though. They had airships which were probably the thing that shot that ball of energy and destroyed the wall. They also had a type of tank that whatever was shot was instantly evaporated. All the remaining soldiers retreated back inside the district from the wall the creatures had made. The force field around the district was active as soon as the alarm went off so the airships and any type of vehicles, including the type of tanks they had,  that appeared are unable to get into the district. They knew the vehicles couldn’t get in and waited right outside the force field waiting for something. The creatures were also waiting outside even though they were able to actually get through the force field on foot. I saw what they were waiting for when I saw multiple berserkers rushing through the force field. They must have kept the strong Wilders alive so they will be able to use them for battle. That wasn’t the case though. The berserkers I saw rushing through the force field all were delivered killing blows to them. They all had some type of black smoke coming from there wounds and mouth. They were brought back to life and were being used somewhat like dolls. They had the same insane strength and speed of the berserkers but they were following orders which now made them even more dangerous. Right after the berserkers ran into the district the entire horde of the creatures followed. We tried to hold our positions but it was just too much. They broke through and entered the city and started killing innocent bystanders all over the streets. Me and Orion were busy taking care of the people on the street and lost sight of the berserkers. That was a mistake I soon regretted for life. The force field generator was destroyed. That was our most secure location during this entire battle and it got broken through. It had to have been the berserkers. The order they were given was to take out the generators and they successfully completed it. As soon as the force field went down, all the enemy vehicles started moving into the district. Destroying everything in their path….. Part 1 End


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